More than just AcroYoga

Coming to one of our retreats you will soon learn that what we offer is more than “just” AcroYoga. So let us take you on a journey that will make your heart sing and your body smile because together we have created some of the finest AcroYoga Retreats in Europe.
Beep-beep-beep, it is 8am and it is time to rise and shine!

Together we will start the day with some feel-good Yoga that will get your body fired up so that you get ready to conquer the world. With the sun in your face and a smile on your lips you will breathe, move, and shake your way into a fantastic day ahead. In our retreats each day has a special theme that will be introduced in the morning and then be continued throughout the day. Waking up to the birds and natures calling is one of the best feelings as we connect to the rythm of life itself.

Ready for brekky? Let’s get you nourished and fueled before we hit the day with full power!

Followed by a nourishing breakfast where we provide you with a variety of vegetables, fruits, nuts, porridge, bread and cheese, that’ll make your taste buds sing and your soul dance we continue the day. Next stop, a wholesome group warm-up. This is the moment of the day where we stop taking the world serious and become the clowns we always wanted to be. Together we will roll, slide, twist and dance across the training space. We will move our bodies in a playful yet sustainable manner and find new pathways to balance, coordinate and catch each other in space.

Wait someone said Acro? Oh yes it is time to turn the world upside down!

Now take a breather because we are going to jump right into our first AcroYoga class of the day where plenty of uplifting content is awaiting you. Together with our enthusiastic teachers team we are offering you a multi-dimensional deep dive into the world of AcroYoga. Focusing on topics such as beginner tricks for flying, basing and spotting, handstand and inversions, as well as advanced exercises such as flows, pops, whips, icarian and hand-to-hand. No worries, whether you have just begun with Acro or are an experienced AcroYogi, we have got it all. One of the main advantages of our trainings is, that we have plenty of teachers onboard which gives us the opportunity to run two tracks side-by-side. Ontop of that you are free to pick and choose the level and content that you want to work on, on a daily basis… So c’mon let us take you to higher grounds and embark on a one way ticket to the moon!

And suddenly you hear the lunch break gong!

It is now 13:30 and even if many of you don’t want to leave the circus tent (yet), it is definitely time to refuel your batteries at our rich and tasty lunch buffet. Our breaks are designed in a way where you can decide whether you want to continue your afternoon break at the pool or hitch a ride for a pitstop at the beach. Many of you will ask themselves “how on earth did this morning practice flew by so quick?” Well, it is simply because this is what happens when you have a truly good time, filled with meaningful connections with like-minded people, all embedded in a pristine environment.

Okey, okey, enough romance! Are you ready for round two?

It is now 17:00 and we continue turning the world upside down with our second AcroYoga class of the day. In the afternoons we are focusing on fluid movements, refining and combining some of the content that you have learned in the morning and keep on giggling until the golden hour hits us. Considering the work you have put in until now, we want to high five you and present you with a connective cool down before we wander to dinner. After all AcroYoga is based on human connection and celebrating each others success. Through this we learn all about genuine communication, supporting each other to grow and unfold our hidden super powers. This and much more will empower you to become a more patient, open minded, authentic and bright human boing.

It is now 20:30 and we are ready to fall asleep…. But wait? What happened to the evening program?

Well fed and round like a perfectly formed blissball from tonights dinner we gather for the final session of the day. By now truly everyone has earned themselves a reward (some from eating all the left overs and others from the sweaty practice 😉 and that is why we treat each other with some juicy bodywork. Let us cool off our bodies from this vibrant day with some massage, yin yoga and a live music. Before we all go to bed we take a moment to appreciate life by watching at the night sky and listening to the cracking sound of the nearby campfire.

Oh dear, we almost forgot to tell you about the cherry ontop of the cake!

In addition to our daily routine, we offer so-called “specials” which include live music during the morning and evening sessions, a mid week afternoon trip to the beach including a group acro photo shoot and an ecstatic dance. We believe that this and much more will make your retreat an unforgettable experience to not only lift you up but also make you become a more meaningful person in your and other peoples lifes.

And here some final words from our team

Facilitating more than 50 retreats over the past 10 years has shown us what people need to balance out our busy day-to-day life. That is why we have decided to not only work on cool tricks and instagrammable poses but also on the essence of human connection. At the heart of our work lies the power of playful interaction, team work and the power of movement. The enthusiasm to participate pro-actively in life rather than netflix, chill and procrastinate has given many people who visited us a kick in the butt and a vision to life a life more fulfilled. Come and join us for an unique and unforgettable adventure.

What are you waiting for? Join us on our next adventure! logo
Morning yoga class with two musicians playing live music in a colourful environment.
People practicing Yoga in a big white tent in beautiful environment in Croatia.
Girl flying on a guys back. Creative AcroYoga process during an AcroYoga retreat in Croatia.
Group warmup, guy with tatoos smiling.
AcroYoga demo in a big tent at our Retreat.
Two girls cooking and smiling in our outdoo kitchen in Croatia.
People practicing partner stetches in the garden during AcroYoga retreat in Slovenia.
Big group picture in nature, blue sky with some soft clouds and a big tree in the background.